CdSe/ZnS core/shell QDs

CdSe/ZnS (core/shell) Quantum Dots, dry, hydrophobic

Highly luminescent semiconductor nanocrystals coated with hydrophobic organic molecules. Readily soluble in toluene, chloroform, tetrahydrofuran, pyridine etc. Not soluble in water, alcohols, ethers. ZnS shell thickness - ca. 0,6 nm.

Cat. Nr. Emission

Diameter of
CdSe core (lit.)

PL-QD-O-530    530 nm 2,5 nm
PL-QD-O-540 540 nm 2,7 nm
PL-QD-O-550 550 nm 2,9 nm
PL-QD-O-560 560 nm 3,1 nm
PL-QD-O-570 570 nm 3,3 nm
PL-QD-O-580 580 nm 3,6 nm
PL-QD-O-590 590 nm 3,7 nm
PL-QD-O-600 600 nm 4,2 nm
PL-QD-O-610 610 nm 4,7 nm
PL-QD-O-620 620 nm 4,9 nm
PL-QD-O-630 630 nm 5,4 nm
PL-QD-O-640 640 nm 6,2 nm
PL-QD-O-650 650 nm 6,5 nm

Active filters